6th US CavalryUS Flag
Company Unknown
James S Brisbin
- Captain
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Contact Name: P.James Brisbin
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Date Added: 4/26/2013

Company Unknown
Enoch Hiram Cunningham
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: William Ritter
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Date Added: 12/6/2012

Company A
William Hiram Curtis
- Private
Middle name could be Harrison.
Enlisted at Ogdensburg, NY. in 1861 in Co. H 60th. NY Inf.
Transferred to Co. A 6th. US cavalry in 1862.
Discharged in 1864.
Contact Name: Stanley A. Curtis
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/6/2011

Company B
Edwin Sawtell Henry
- Other
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Contact Name: William Ritter
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/6/2012

Company C
John Hogan
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Martin Graham
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/26/2002

Company E
Minor Underwood
- Private
Buried Greenwood cemetery, Newton, Kansas
Contact Name: Julian Wall
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/30/2011

Company F
Joseph Charlton
- Private
Joseph Charlton served as a Private in Company ''F'' of the 6th United States Cavalry from July 11th, 1861 through July 29th 1864. He was wounded in the fighting at Fairfield PA during the 3rd day of the Battle of Gettysburg, July 3rd, 1863. Following his discharge from the 6th US Cavalry, Charlton reenlisted in Company ''G'' of the 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry on September 12th, 1864. He was captured in an engagement at Berry''s Ford near Millwood, VA on December 17th. He spent 2 months in Libby Prison before being paroled on February 15th, 1865. He returned to his Regiment and served until his discharge on May 30th.
Contact Name: Mike Nugent
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/24/2002

Company G
George William Chase
- Private
George was the husband of Delilah Taylor, sister of my great-great grandfather, George Washington Taylor, Co. C, 3rd PA Inf.
Contact Name: Lee A. Taylor
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/28/2006

Company K
Hiram McQuiston
- Private
Hiram McQuiston originally enlisted in the 7th Ohio Infantry in June 1861, but was recruited into the 6th U.S. Cavalry at Knoxville, MD, in October 1862 following the Battle of Antietam. He served with the 6th US until his original 3-yr enlistment was up in June 1864.
Contact Name: Peter Young
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/23/2009

Company K
Samuel Marmaduke Whitside
- 2nd Lieutenant
Excerpt from 1st Lt. S. M. Whitside's Letter to Medical Retiring Board:
'About the 15th July, by special orders from the War Dept. Adjutant General’s Office, I was transferred from the General Service to the 3rd Regiment Cavalry (now 6th Cavalry). I reported to Lieut. Colonel Wm. H. Emory Commanding the Regt. with Headquarters at Pittsburg, Penn., who immediately appointed me Sergeant Major of the Regiment. About Sept. 1st 1861, the regt. was ordered to Bladensburg, Md., at which place the men were mounted and drilled. About Oct 1st, Colonel Emory recommended very strongly to the Secretary of War for a commission as Lieutenant in the Regiment. About Oct 15, the regt. was ordered into Winter quarters at Camp East of the Capitol Washington, D.C. Nov. 4th 1861 I received an appointment from the Secty of War of Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Cavalry and on the following day I was appointed Adjutant of the Regt. which duty I performed for about two months, when I was at my own request relieved from the duty of Adjutant and assigned to Co. K. March 10th 1862 the regiment was ordered in Virginia and assigned to the regular Brigade under the command of General Cook. The regt. advanced into Virginia as far as Warrenton Junction, when it was ordered to return to Alexandria and embarked with the Army of the Potomac to the vicinity of Yorktown, where we remained in camp until the evacuation of the place by the Rebels about May 2d. At this time the 6th Cav. was ordered to the front and was put in the advance of our army, and closely followed the rebels in their retreat, and drove them pell-mell into the fortifications in front of Williamsburg. My regt. charged up to within one hundred yards of Fort Magruder, when the Rebels turned their guns on us, which caused us to retreat from the field with a loss of some fifteen men. After the battle of Williamsburg, the 6th Cav was again ordered to take the advance and move forward rapidly after the retreating Rebels. We had orders to keep close to the Rebels, but not to bring on a general engagement. About May 10th we came up to a large force of the Rebels at Slatersville and three companies of my Regt charged into two Regiments of Virginia Rebel Cavalry and drove them from the field. One lost about eighteen men in this charge, the Rebels about forty-five. For my services in this action General Stoneman mentioned me in his report and I was informed that he afterwards recommended me for a brevet. On the following day I was directed to take part of my company and to open communications with General Franklin at West Point, which I succeeded in doing, and in capturing 4 Rebel infantrymen of Whitings Division. On or about May 24th my Regt took part in the battle of Hanover Court House. During the seven days fighting I was with General Stoneman, who was cut off from the Army, and retreated down the Peninsula by way of the White House. The command arrived at Fortress Monroe July 2d where we rested till about 8th when we embarked in transports and arrived at Harrisons Landing on the 9th and went in camp near the River or Westover House. July 15th I was confined to my tent by a severe attack of fever. I was on the sick report till about Aug 7th when my regt was ordered to report to Genl Hooker. Was in the second battle of Malvern Hill on the 10th. I was again taken down with the fever, and was sent to the Hospital near Hd Qrs Army of the Potomac. Aug 12 received a sick leave for twenty days. Sept 3rd I again reported to my regt for duty. Sept 6th while on the march through Maryland I was taken very sick with the bilious fever and a severe pain in my left side.
'I was sent from Poolsville, Md. By Asst Surg Duboise U.S.A. to Washington D. C. and reported to Surgeon Barns U.S.A. for medical treatment. About Sept 20 I was able to do light duty and by special orders from Hd Qrs Army of the Potomac I was assigned to duty at Headquarters Defences of Washington as A.A.D.C. to the General Commanding. About Nov 10th I was relieved from duty in Washington by special orders and directed to report to Major General N. P. Banks at New York City as Aide-de-Camp on his staff. Dec 4th 1862 we sailed from New York City in the steamer North Star, arrived in New Orleans, Dec 14th. Remained on duty in the city till some time in the early part of March 1863, when we left the city for Baton Rouge and with part of the 19th Corps the General marched in the direction of Port Hudson while Admiral Farragut run by batteries of the Fort with part of his fleet. On the next day after the fleet past the Fort the Army returned to Baton Rouge. About April 1st 1863 the General and Staff went to Brashar City where the army was in camp. An advance of the whole command was immediately ordered and the army moved forward in the direction of Fort Bisland about 10 miles from Brashar City on the Bayou Tisk. Here we found the enemy in heavy force posted behind strong earth works on both sides of the Bayou. Our troops formed in line of battle and advanced on the enemy’s works and fought them until late at night in the morning we found that the Rebels had retreated. Our loss about two hundred, the enemy about the same. We followed the enemy about twenty miles above Alexandria on the Red River when the General countermarched his army and marched down the Red River to Morgansias on the Mississippi River where he crossed over the River to Bayou Sarah, and marched on Port Hudson, which place he attacked with his whole Army May 27th 1863, with a loss of nineteen hundred and ninety five men during the siege of Port Hudson. I was confined most of the time to my tent with a fever and a pain in my side. Surgeon Alexander, Medical Director of the Dept. advised me to go north on June 12th 1863.
'At my own request I was relieved from duty as A.D.C. and ordered to report to the Adjt General of the Army at Washington July 2d by special orders from the War Dept. I was ordered to report to Genl Martindale, Mil. Governor Dist. Columbia, for duty on his staff. About Sept 21st I was ordered before the board at Annapolis Md. I was recommended for light duty. Some time in Oct I was again ordered to report to Genl Martindale for duty on his staff by special orders from the War Dept. About the last of Oct I was ordered to take charge of twenty five deserters and deliver them to the Provost Marshal at Cincinnati, Ohio. While in Cincinnati I was taken sick with the Varioloid and sent to Hospital in Covington, Ky. Where I remained until some time in Dec. I returned to Washington and remained on duty until January 19th ’64, was then ordered to my regt Jany 22d, ordered to report to Genl Pleasonton, Comdg Cavly Corps Army of the Potomac March 1864. While returning from Culpepper to Hd Qrs, Cavly Corps one dark night on jumping a ditch my horse fell down and threw me with such force on the ground that it broke the collar bone of my right shoulder and fractured two ribs of my right side, March 14th ’64. I was ordered to report to the Medical Director of Washington for treatment. About March 22d I was by special orders from the War Dept Adjutant General’s Office ordered to Providence, R.I. as Mustering and Disbursing Officer. April 21st I was appointed A.C.M. for the State of R.I. and A.A.C.S. for the troops stationed in the state, which duty I have been performing ever since. I have entirely recovered from the effects of the injury of my shoulder. In cold weather I am troubled with the Rheumatism in both of my shoulders.'
Contact Name: Sam Russell
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: armyatwoundedknee.com
Date Added: 6/10/2014

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